Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, most people weren’t getting their hopes high for
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. It wasn’t even screened for critics fearing that they might and will bash it. But it is, however, something completely different. And will most probably exceed, if not meet, expectaions.

First, the storyline itself is ‘smart’ for this type of adrenaline-filled action movie. It has one long storyline that starts at the middle, then goes back to the beginning with the efficient uses of flashbacks, and it finishes off with all the questions answered at the end. This way, you’ll keep guessing throughout and the twist is also great – if you haven’t read the spoilers, that is. I also love the fact that most of the characters have their own backstories and some even intertwine.
Next, the action and visual effect is really fun to watch. The editing is neat and camera angles are superb. Some scenes might not be as realistic as others but that is okay because it makes the movie looks like a real live-action cartoon. There’s plenty of choreographed hand-to-hand and sword fights, shootouts and an awesome car chase scene where the Joes are trying to stop the Baroness from destroying the Eiffel Tower – and the Joes are not even in a car.

The acting, honestly, is nowhere near Oscar-worthy. It’s cheesy and awkward most of the time. But it fits because it gives the movie a B-movie feel to it. Super-evil villains trying to take over the world, a great leader, a wise-crack, add in some philosophical lines, silly one-liners and scientific jargon nonsense and it will spell ‘FUN’!
However, the movie does contain a lot of flaws. I mean, sinking ice? What? But you have to remember that this movie is based on a toy franchise, and a cartoon and comic series whose sole purpose is to sell those toys. So it could easily be forgiven.

All in all, if you’re seeking a fun, action-spiked, filled with testosterone movie that you just want to watch, laugh, be awed by the visual and just to turn your brain off, relax and enjoy, then G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is just the thing.