What really impressed me was the coherency of the movie. It starts off with The Comedian murdered, a tense Rorschach, and some other distressed member of the Watchmen. However, as the story progresses, we are given the entire backstory of each characters as the flashbacks and the present storylines intersect with each other. A masterful storytelling.

But this is no ‘The Dark Knight’ though. It is dark but it has a lot of flaws. For instance, some might say that it follows the graphic novel too directly that it seems campy at some point. Even the sound effect for the punches is so unrealistic (“Swoosh...Dup...Dush!”).
What redeems this movie is the plot itself. It explores humanity. It raises questions such as: What would happen if a man is given unlimited knowledge but the most important parts of him is taken away such as his emotions and his humanity? How a woman actually forgives his attacker in an attempted rape and actually had an affair with him? How the people back then hated gays that they murdered a superhero for being homosexual? What would happen if a powerful man is given the choice between killing millions or let billions of people get killed? And so on. This is the kind of questions that makes watching Watchmen very interesting.
Overall, Watchmen is a very well-made movie. I recommend it for any comic book fans, action movie fans, or just any casual movie-goers. This is a must WATCH!
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